THE MAMASAN - Genre: Drama, Political - Sixteen year-old Isabel is trafficked into the United States from Costa Rica and is forced to work as a prostitute in a whorehouse. After realizing she was tricked with promises of a better life, she does whatever she can in order to stay alive. But when her ten year-old sister is trafficked into the same brothel, her sister's protection becomes her first concern, even if it means sacrificing her own life. WINNER: Screenwriting Expo 2007 Quarterfinalist, Fusion Film Festival Best Feature Screenplay 2007, the Waldo Salt Undergraduate Screenwriting Award.
NERDLINGS - Genre: Animation, Comedy/Family - Three teenage alien brothers love to play pranks on Earth. During one of their recent pranks, their spaceship malfunctions and they find themselves stranded on Earth. Time is ticking by too fast and the aliens' mother rouses to find her sons are missing. Thinking the Earthlings have kidnapped her children, their mother orchestrates a full-scale invasion to bring back her sons. Now it's up to the brothers and their new, alien-enthusiast, human friend named Icky to clear up the huge misunderstanding and save planet Earth.
ESCAPE TO WEHO - Genre: Comedy - After breaking out of a gay-reformatory institution, two best friends hitchhike from Colorado to California to pursue their dream of being dancers in gay-friendly West Hollywood.
GODSEND - Genre: Drama - After tragically losing his wife and daughter in a brutal murder, Billy Ray decides to die by slowly drinking himself to death. While on his death trip he meets a young girl named Ava, who is trying to remember what happened to her after waking up alone in a hotel room. Despite his better judgment, Billy Ray tries to help Ava get back to where she came from but soon realizes she's not the one being saved.